While driving Hannah to Grandma and Grandpa's house on Friday, Daddy was explaining that she was going to spend the day with them and that they were waiting to snuggle with her. Matter of factly, Hannah replied, "Okay," from the back seat.
Tonight, Jack and Daddy went on an adventure. They had a late-night birthday party to attend, and when they came home they were full of stories. Apparently, while they were driving around, Daddy asked Jack, "Buddy, do you think I'm old?" {Side bar - Brad saw a picture of himself the other day that he didn't exactly love. He thinks he looks like an old man...}
Immediately, Jack responded, "No." {Daddy already felt much better.}
"Well, who's old?" Daddy asked.
Jack, without missing a beat, replies, "Goats."
Daddy busts out laughing, not only because of the ridiculousness of the response, but because he immediately understood Jack's logic. He thought he'd ask for clarification. "Why are goats old?"
"Because, they have those manes and {stroking a fake beard on his chin} those long beards."
Somehow it came to our attention this evening that Jack calls buffalos, buffalopes. And he was completely serious.
Today, I asked Hannah if she wanted me to put her socks back on cause her feet were chilly.
"Yep," she said.
Everything is "yep" right now:)
While playing the animal game before bedtime, my animal was an Emperor Penguin. Our game went something like this:
Daddy - Do you live in the water, on land, or in the air?
Mommy - On the land and in the water.
Daddy - Mommy doesn't know where the animal lives.
Jack - Do you hatch out of an egg?
Mommy - Yes!
Daddy - Are you like a crocodile or an alligator? {I think he determined that perhaps I wouldn't know what a reptile is... Please, does he not know which house I live in?}
Mommy - No.
Jack - Are you a penguin?
Mommy - Yes - what kind of penguin am I?
Jack - One of those penguins with the noodle hair {fluffing the front of his hair up tall}?
Mommy - A Macaroni penguin? Good guess, but I'm not a Macaroni penguin.
Daddy {incredulously} - Noodle hair? Did you tell him that's why they're called Macaroni penguins? Because their hair looks like noodles? Buddy, that is NOT why they are called Macaroni penguins.
Mommy {laughing} - I did not tell him that. He came up with that all on his own because they have big yellow hair like noodles. That's pretty creative.
Jack {smiling} - She didn't tell me. That's just what I know:)
Thank goodness these children make us laugh because otherwise, we may not have survived the last five days.
Now I must sleep.

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