(As well as: wafa (waffle), wawa (water, signs simultaneously), canny (candy), up, and hold. I forget all the things she says so well until I make the list on the blog, and then I'm super-aware for the next few days, noticing every word I forgot to include.)
Anyway, I digress. She can now say tissue. In the saddest, most pathetic, most I'm-going-to-hold-the-top-of-my-lip-up-so-my-snot-doesn't-fall way.
In other words, we've been sick around here. On Saturday, I noticed during our help-Daddy-at-the- townhouse-day that Hannah felt a little warm. By the time we got back late Saturday night (after a pizza picnic and a dance party in the empty dining room), she seemed fine, but she didn't sleep well at all. The next morning, she was definitely warm: fever of 100.4. Yuck. Based on that alone, I knew she wouldn't be going to school the next day, and throughout the day she just had a runny nose, watery eyes, and lots of sneezes. And while Jack didn't have a fever, he definitely had a case of the sniffles.
We snuggled, and I tried to help poor Hannah sleep, but the only way she could nap was out of sheer exhaustion and only if I was holding her. I felt so bad...
On Monday, I kept the kids home as planned, and we watched TV, played with new toys, napped, took a shower, did several loads of laundry, and cleaned my bedroom. It was a full day, but the kids seemed to be feeling better.
We even had another dance party...one I couldn't resist getting on video (I may have forgotten to turn my phone sideways. Again. I'm working on it, I promise.) See for yourself...and don't judge - we love a little Nicky Minaj around these parts. My kids know a good beat when they hear one...
On Tuesday, I went to work, but Brad stayed home with the kids because he wasn't sure they were a hundred percent. It ended up being a good call because we had to make a last minute appointment for Hannah after I got home for the afternoon. While she seemed to do well during the day, she was very fussy after I got home, and she kept tugging on her ear. I knew enough to get her to the doctor's and fast, so off we went. As we waited to be seen, she became more and more inconsolable. She has the beginnings of an ear infection and is now on oral antibiotics.
While everyone is still a little snotty, the littles are definitely feeling much better. They have been back at school for two days and everyone is happier.
Well, everyone except me, that is.
I haven't been able to sleep through the night since last Friday (to be fair, neither has Hannah).
And I now have a serious case of the sneezes and sniffles. It comes with the territory, I guess. Let's hope it goes away quickly - I have some serious maternity pictures to take and some showers to plan:)

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