{Hannah, looking up at Daddy, with adoring eyes}
She looks for him in the morning. She wants to know if he's home when we get home. She throws her arms up in the air, shouts, "Daddy!" and runs to him the second he walks in the door.
Just a few weeks ago, Brad and I went to pick up the kids together from school (a rare occasion), and she ran directly past me and straight into her daddy's arms. And all I could do was smile.
A few days ago, she strongly declared, "Daddy is my brest fwend."
Many times a day, I hear, "I want Daddy do it. I want my Daddy." She'll cuddle with him and watch a few minutes of a show before wriggling down to play. She takes off her socks and pounds her tiny fists on his chest, shouting, "Hannah smash!" It's her own version of Hulk-Smash, and it's adorable since she acts like the force of her fists is so great that it causes her to fall back onto the bed.
{photo courtesy of Marian Lozano}
She'll say that she's "man-working" with her Daddy if she's trying to help him fix something around the house. This usually entails her sitting on Daddy's lap as he tries to work around her tiny, wiggling frame:)
{photo courtesy of Marian Lozano}
They're both pretty smitten, that's for sure. I think I'll keep them:)

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