{I now notice that the sign behind my children's heads says no cell phone cameras permitted. Oops.}
She was waiting so nicely.
No screamers this year - I deem this a success!
Poor Jack smiled in the other pictures the photographer took, but Hannah did not, and this was the one they picked. Next year, I'll have to remember to ask if I can choose - I'm sure they'll love that;)
You may not be able to tell from this picture, but this shows my very detail-oriented son showing Santa the specific Lego catalog items he would like, so Santa wouldn't get confused. I had to talk him down from taking the entire catalog, and finally we agreed he could put a page or two in his pocket.
Hannah proudly told Santa she would like Boots and Dora, all by herself.
This year, Christmas is going to be so much fun - the littles are into all things Christmas! They love our advent calendars and Oliver, our elf. They talk frequently about how Santa's watching:) They're excited to bake and to have Christmas parties.
Now if I can only survive this work-week, we'll be in a good place!

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