Last night, Jack was really, really tired. Like I'm going to cuddle up next to Mommy while we're watching TV and fall dead asleep tired.
So very tired, that I was able to carry him upstairs and put him in bed. He woke up enough to roll over comfortably, and then he was out. For the night. My poor, little man. So, so sleepy.
Hannah? Not so tired. And in desperate need for a bath. So after we tucked Jack in, she and I came into our bathroom, and I started to run a bath. Hannah decided she'd rather get in the shower, so I must have asked her if we could use the separate sprayer that we have for the kids. This was an unacceptable plan.
When I told Hannah that I wasn't going to take a shower, she replied, "Yes, you is."
And I mean, really? How do you say no to that?
So as much as I hate to take a shower at night and get all cold before bed, I pulled my hair up tight, and got in the shower with my little princess. And I'm pretty sure the special one-on-one time made her evening.
Oh, how I love these little lovelies of ours!

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