Yesterday was such a good day.
Hannah came in bright and early to announce that it was her birthday - she was so excited. After she told me, she rushed into the bathroom where Brad was taking a shower and told him she was four.
Then she chattered on about how she would be 4 tall on our measuring stick and how she could run faster. Since she turned four. And it was her birthday.
It was the cutest. Normally, people ask you if you feel different on your birthday, and you never really do. But Hannah? Hannah was definitely feeling different, from the moment that she woke up.
We got up and made blueberry muffins for breakfast and cupcakes for her pizza party.
Then we ran some errands and picked up her birthday balloons. We snuggled and took birthday selfies.
We spent the afternoon at the pool and Hannah perfected her "canyonballs".
And then we came home and got ready for a family celebration. I set up a little birthday table, we ordered some pizza and salad, and we just relaxed and enjoyed ourselves.
{Yes, we had a Ninja Turtle themed party :)}
{She couldn't wait to wear her birthday badge!}
Both families came over and it just seemed like everyone had such a lovely time. We watched Hannah open presents, and then sang Happy Birthday twice...once with a sparkler and once so Hannah could blow out a birthday candle, ever so important.
{Jack gave some of his Pokemon cards to Hannah and wrapped them all by himself.}
{Such balance!}
As the evening was winding down, we headed outside to play with one of Hannah's presents. We bought her (and Jack, too) a light-up bow and arrow that we had seen while we were at the beach. Everyone had so much fun shooting the arrows and chasing them down. We even held a few contests, and I'm pretty sure both of my brother-in-laws ordered a set of their own after they left :)
Hannah was a sleepy peanut by the end of the night, but I know she had such a fun, happy day.
I will say that all of that fun, late-night excitement made for two grumpy, sleepy kiddos today. It was a little rough, but we made sure to get them to bed at a decent time tonight so that everyone will be well-rested for Hannah's pool party tomorrow.