I can't believe it's been four years since the day you were born, but here we are.
Somewhere along the way, I blinked, and you grew from a tiny, little baby, into a lovely, little girl.
(Thanks, Aunt Jess for this lovely collage)
I can't believe how quickly time is passing us by, and some days I wish I could stop the clock. But mostly, I just loving watching you grow.
You are brave. You try new things, and mostly are willing to face your fears. Unless there are bugs in the pool - that is just too much for you.
You are smart. You pay close attention to new things you are learning and you love to share your new knowledge with us. You already know most of your letters and sounds, and you love to write.
You are beautiful. You have big, blue eyes and the curliest, wildest hair I've ever seen. And I love it. I don't know what to do with it just yet, but I love it just the same.
You are kind. You help clean up, you protect your family and friends, and for a baby that didn't like to be snuggled, you are an amazingly good snuggler now.
We love you so very much, Baby Girl.
Happy Birthday.

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