Anyway, Sunday was the day. My sister and I got to the pool early to reserve our birthday spot and to set up prior to the birthday girl's arrival. Brad got there with the kids a few minutes before Hannah's friends were scheduled to arrive, and she was so pleased to see so many balloons all set up for her.
It was a beautiful day (thank goodness, because I'm not sure what I would have done if we'd had to host at our house), and everyone seemed like they had a great time celebrating Hannah and enjoying some fun in the sun.
Hannah and her friends from school
I love that when I asked these two to get close for a picture, this is as comfortable as they could get!
This little man loved the water so much that he skipped most of pizza time and didn't even stick around for a cupcake. And he eats more than anyone I know!
Dylan and Uncle John

Aunt Jess and our little lovelies
Pizza time
Before Dylan left the table :)
Birthday wishes
Cupcake faces with her besties
I'm blaming this blur on the heat!
Girls in orange goggles
Birthday Girl and Brother
It was a fun time all-around, and we're hoping that we can organize a pool party every year for at least one of our little lovelies!

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