Lately, our tiny peanut is all about Daddy. I'm not jealous (okay, maybe I'm a little jealous), but really I'm just so excited to get a front seat to the special relationship that they have.
This morning, I was coming down the hallway when Hannah emerged from her bedroom, and with her sleepy eyes and crazy baby hair, she looked up at me and announced, "I miss Daddy."
Not, "Good morning, Mama. Did you sleep well? I love you."
Not even, "Hi, Mama!"
But instead, "I miss Daddy."
It was super sweet, to be honest, and I texted him right away to let him know how I was greeted first thing this morning. I know it made his morning, and apparently Daddy and Hannah had some snuggle time before he'd headed off to work this morning.
While we were on vacation, every time we went out to eat, I'd be holding her hand and we'd get to our table, and she'd let go of my hand, hop into a booth, and announce, "I want to sit next to you, Daddy!"
If I ask, "Hannah, do you want Mommy or Daddy to help you brush your teeth/take you to the bathroom/go down the slide with you?" the answer is almost always Daddy. I'd say 99% of the time.
It's actually become a bit of a game between Brad and I now. We don't say anything, we don't really talk about it, but we wait anxiously for her response, knowing full well what she'll say, and then we just look at each other and smile. It's cute.
Definitely makes him feel loved.
And I'm just so lucky she has such a great dad.
The relationship between a daddy and his daughter is a special thing.
I would definitely know, and I'm just so happy that Brad and Hannah get to have that, too.

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