My sister's dear puppy, Buddah, has been missing since Tuesday afternoon.
We have spent the last couple of days searching for Buddah Bear. We haven't found him yet, but I believe that we will.
We have formed our own search party of sorts...posting signs, talking to neighbors, stalking the neighborhood, squeaking his favorite toys, and calling his name. He's probably a little bit scared and out of sorts, but hopefully soon, he will come out from his hiding spot and look for us, too.
My poor sister is a mess - I can't imagine. And I feel helpless. I don't know what else to do. We have talked to all the authorities we can think of, short of calling the FBI.
I feel like I should be out searching again tonight, but that sweet boy you see in the picture above has had a rough couple of nights. Grandma and Grandpa watched him Tuesday night for me, and he had a blast. But he went to bed very late, and didn't get to play with his mommy at all that day. Last night, he searched with us...walking through the parks, calling Buddah's name (Jack loves Buddah!), and eating his cheeseburger happy meal while in a stroller.
Tonight, Jack absolutely needs a bath...and I had to locate my sink under the dishes that were piling up. But we can't stop thinking of Buddah...hoping and praying that he comes home safely. Very, very soon.
Sweet Buddah Bear - We love you and we are thinking of you constantly. We are looking for you! Please come out from your hiding spot, and ask someone for help so that they can bring you to us:) Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, Grampy, Auntie Erika, and Baby Jack miss you so much:)

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