He's getting over a little bug - so I understand that he doesn't necessarily feel like his usual self, but my goodness...it has been a trying day. It started this morning when I left to go shoe-shopping with my mom and Aunt Kathy. Jack followed me to the door, big, splashy tears streaming down his face, crying, "Can I come with you?!" I felt so bad. I figured that it would get better after I actually left.
But it didn't. He didn't really want to play with Daddy today, so he hung out by himself and actually fell asleep in the middle of the family room floor. He's never fallen asleep randomly like that before, but it sure sent his naptime into a tail-spin. In other words - he didn't nap. Not good for a two year-old who's feeling under the weather.
Ever since I went in to get him up from his nap, he's been following me around, asking, "Can I come with you?"
I wanted to go to the bathroom. "Can I come too?" Sure.
I tried to take something downstairs. "Can I come with you, Mommy?" Of course.
I tried to refill his juice. "Can I help you too?" No problem.
Literally, every small step I've taken today, Jack has been less than 1/2 a foot behind me.
Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Here he comes now. So please, if you're going on vacation...
Can I come with you?!

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