I wonder...how does a two year-old learn to express himself in this way? Now, I don't doubt for a minute that it's exactly what I would mumble had someone been trying to wake me up before I was ready, but seriously? At two? It was just too stinkin' cute to be mad or hurt...he's just such a little person.
Besides, he very quickly redeemed himself, as this morning, for the first time as we were leaving the house to go to school, he came up to me, stuck his little paw up into the air, and said, "Hold your hand, like a big boy, Mama." (As opposed to carrying him on our way out the door.) Be still my little heart:)
Today was the first good day at work in many, and Jack also had a good day at school. When we got there, he gave me a kiss, waved and said goodbye, and then went off to play. At pick-up, he wanted to finish his puzzle before going home. He's really enjoying the big boy classroom; as much as I miss the Toddler Teachers, I think Jack had outgrown the room. I'm so glad that he's so happy.
Daddy came home early this evening, so we decided to go out to dinner (something we don't get to do very often due to his late work hours). We took Jack to Famous Dave's, and aside from the huge cheeseburger and Oreo cookies that he ate, his favorite part seemed to be the giant bear outside the restaurant. I didn't have my camera with me, but we took some photos from our phones to tide you over. I know I've been slacking on the pictures lately, but I'm going to practice some of my new skills this weekend. Just you wait!
Famous Dave's Bear
Jack must have learned to say "cheese" during Picture Day!
Giving the bear a hug
Adorable, Jack
He kept asking me to take his picture eating his big cheeseburger, and then he'd immediately move. Oh, the difficulties in photographing a toddler...

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