In other news, Jack has continued to be super-cute:) Earlier this week, on our way to school in the morning, Jack asked me to carry him to the car. Well, he actually said, "Carry you," which means he wants me to carry him. I know I should correct it, and I will really soon, but for right now, it's just too cute, and I have to leave it be. Anyway, I picked him up and said, "Hi, Jack." And he looked at me with a little serious boy face and said, "Your name is Mommy." Melt. my. heart. We've been working on Jack saying, "My name is Jack, and I'm two!" Apparently, a lightbulb went off the other morning that Daddy and I have names as well.
He seems to have adjusted to his new classroom very well. On the second day, he had to go potty during drop-off, so I helped him out, and then gave him a kiss and said, "You're all set!" He pecked me on the cheek, repeated, "All set," and went off to play with the Little People. Thank goodness! He gets lots of compliments from his teachers, and they are super-impressed with his potty-trained self. Apparently, on Thursday they tried to change their hand-washing routine after lunch. They used to just have the kids get up, throw out their trash, wash their hands, and then head to their cots for naptime. But on Thursday, they tried to dismiss the students by table to wash their hands. One of the teachers (can you tell I don't know their names yet?!) told me that she heard some whimpering, noticed that Jack's bottom lip was quivering, and asked him what was wrong. In his saddest, most pathetic voice, he whimpered, "Wash my hands?!" Poor Jack thought that because the routine was different, he was not going to be able to wash his hands before nap time - even though the rest of his table was sitting their waiting their turn with him. I took the opportunity to clue the teachers in to the fact that Baby Jack likes his routines:) A LOT. Wish us luck...
Today was a good day. We had such a lazy, pajama day, and I loved it very much. Poor Jack has had a fever for the last two days, so we just hung out at home. This morning, he was
Jack took a nice three hour nap, so of course, I did too. It was WONDERFUL:) And I don't even feel like I wasted a day because I was so tired, and we still have two days. My, how I love three-day weekends!
Tonight was date night. It was super-fun. Brad and I went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner and then headed to the movies. We saw Going the Distance - it was pretty cute. We laughed a lot. We're big fans of Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny in fact, as I type this we're watching the "kitten mittens" episode. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're missin out!
Hope you had a happy Saturday!

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