Hannah Bear,
You are four months old...
...and look at how you've grown over the last few months! We can't believe the transformation that's happening before our very eyes. The proof is in those chubby chipmunk cheeks and those thunder thighs we love so much:)
You are wearing six month clothing and a size three diaper. I'm not sure how much you weigh, but we'll find out in a couple of weeks when we go in for your next well-baby visit.
You continue to be our sweet, happy girl. You save the biggest smiles for your daddy, which I happen to think is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. When he comes home from work, you wiggle and squirm until he comes to say hello to you. You like to lift up your little tootsies so he can tickle them right then and there.
You are a ticklish little girl, especially under your arms and on your sides, and usually we can get a full belly laugh from you if we get those spots just right.
{Does this tutu make my butt look big?!}
You are a great sleeper and still nap several times a day. You're doing much better about taking naps in your crib, which is wonderful. Lately, you've been going to bed at about 8:30 and then you wake up at 4:30. The past two nights, I've gone in and given you back your pacifier, and you've slept for about another hour before you're ready to eat.
You are still a voracious eater. You still nurse twice a day, and then we take turns giving you formula and breastmilk from a bottle. At lunchtime, you have rice cereal in your bottle, and at bedtime, we add oatmeal cereal, which you love.
In the past few days, you've finally unlocked the secret to sucking your thumb (you know...just your thumb), but you aren't doing it consistently just yet.
You're still working on your roll. You can go almost all the way from back to tummy on both sides, but you just can't seem to get past those chubby little arms of yours.
My, how you love your big brother, Jack. I would say he gets the second biggest smiles from you. You love when he snuggles you in the morning and when we pick him up at school. I think it makes your day when he plays with you or asks to hold you.
{Look at those tiny little toes and those rolls on her legs. To. Die. For.}
You love to grasp anything within reach, but especially things that are soft and cuddly. You seem to be getting slightly attached to sleeping with Baby Skinny, which makes your mama smile. I think Jack thinks it's precious, too.
You make a million funny faces a day.
You are so generous with your smiles. As soon as someone pays you any attention, your eyes light up and your grin goes from chipmunk cheek to chipmunk cheek.
Sweet Girl,
There are not enough words to say just how much you're loved and adored. You have changed all of our lives for the better, and we are so thankful to have you.
P.S. Thank you for obliging me and wearing headbands and tutus as frequently as I request it, even if they aren't your favorite. One day, you may change your mind:)