Dear Momma,
Today I am most thankful for you, my sister - you are making me an Auntie, and it's a dream come true! I can't even tell you how completely excited I am for this tiny, little baby of yours to join our family.
I am thrilled that Jack and Hannah will have a cousin so close in age. I'm imagining sleep-overs and vacations and trick-or-treating and back to school shopping trips.
I can't wait to see how Jack looks after his baby cousin. What will Hannah think of a baby at Grammy's? Will she give the baby kisses? Will Jack share his toys?
I am lucky and anxious to be able to cuddle another take newborn pictures and kiss chunky, baby cheeks.
I'm looking forward to shopping for tiny, newborn clothes and to planning the BEST BABY SHOWER EVER.
I can't wait to share stories my babies have loved and clothes that they once could wear.
But most of all, I'm thankful that I will get to share this raw, mothering experience with you. That I will get a front seat to watching you transform the moment you hold that tiny baby in your arms for the first time. This baby will teach you to love in ways you can't imagine. He or she will teach you to be patient. To be compassionate. That things you think are the biggest deals right now, actually don't matter at all. Not even a tiny, little bit.
Some days, all that matters is the way tiny fingers look in newborn fists. Or the way your newborn's head fits perfectly in the nook on your shoulder. Maybe it's the crystal, clear color in your newborn's eyes. It might be the sound Baby makes at night, when you go in once, twice, maybe three times just to listen to him breathing (there - I said it - I think it's a boy!). Or maybe it's dropping off the baby at daycare for the first time. Or sending your little one off to Pre-K.
Some nights you will lay awake thinking about what your baby will be when he grows up. Whether he will play sports or write books. How the curve of his chin and the shape of his tiny, baby nose might one day change. And you will want to stop time. You'll worry about the temperature of Baby's room and whether her (maybe?) crib is comfy enough. You'll worry about her first broken heart.
These are the things that will matter soon.
I am so, so happy for you.
And so very thankful.
{Momma and Baby at 12 weeks}
PS - I'm also thankful for this afternoon light, that tutu (thanks Aunt Jess!), my baby girl, and her sweet brother who agreed to head to the window so his tiny sister would follow, allowing Mama to capture this picture: