On September 24th, Hannah Bear turned 14 months old. Our little peanut is becoming a beautiful, little girl right before our very eyes. At her latest doctor's appointment, these were her statistics:
Weight 20 lbs., 13.5 oz. (50-75th percentile)
Height 30 1/4 in. (75th percentile)
Head Circumference 18 in. (75th percentile)
Hmm...maybe she's not so little after all. This girl can eat like you wouldn't believe! She out-eats her brother at every meal, in fact. And sometimes her mama...and I can eat:)
Hannah is also talking up a storm - it seems like every day there's a new word that pops out of those adorable, girly lips. So far, we've caught her saying:
down (bOWn)
all done
puppy (puppa)
Jack or Jack-Jack (Gack!)
no (she says while smiling)
uh oh
hot (because she's inclined to eat something immediately after it comes out of the oven)
thank you (teat to)
woof woof (she barks at our neighbors' dogs)
and, she can sign:
thank you, and
She's mastering sitting down on various chairs and on Jack's bean bag chair. She does the adorable, baby thing where she turns around and then backs up into her seat. It's one of my favorite things:)
Also, she likes to clean! And organize! She likes to put her toys away and take them out again. And again.
Right now, Hannah is down to two bottles a day (one in the morning and one at bedtime), and we're working on getting off of those by the end of this month. She's almost completely off of baby food, except that her school teachers keep asking me to send some because she eats all of the school's food and then is still hungry!!! I'm going to have to start packing toddler lunches, it seems.
She's developing a very sweet relationship with her daddy. It's adorable to watch - she runs to the door when he comes home and gives him hugs where she squeezes his shoulders. She leans in for kisses. But her favorite thing to do with Daddy? She loves to go outside and walk around with him...priceless.
Within the last week, I've caught Hannah and Jack just laying on the floor together looking at one another. So sweet. They love each other very much, and we're so thankful.
Hannah Bear, we love you!

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