{This is what happens when you try to take a picture of three kids under the age of five. I cannot explain what my children are doing in these pictures. Not at all.}
The boys did an art project that I found on Pinterest and their Frankensteins came out so cute!
Having children has changed the way I watch TV. I get teary-eyed at commercials of baby girls waking up with messy hair (Oh.my.word! Have you seen it?). News stories about kids who became heroes by calling 911 when something horrible happened make me wonder... I can't watch TV shows where children go missing without getting a lump in my throat... I don't like movies where to get to someone, they threaten the safety of that someone's children - I literally have to leave the room. These things come out of nowhere - and take my breath away. And not in a good way.
For that matter - I don't listen to the radio the same way either. Music about little ones and kids growing up too quickly...makes me a weepy mess. Cried my way to work this morning, actually. Anyone familiar with "You're Gonna Miss This?" by Trace Adkins. That was all it took. Suddenly I feel like kindergarten starts tomorrow and before I know it, we're dropping Hannah off at college.
For the past two days, Jack has left Skinny Bear at home, and taken Baby Panda to school. When I asked him why, he said, "Mama, Skinny Bear hibernates when the leaves change color." Oh. I see.
Hannah Bear came up and hugged my leg this evening. I was checking the weather on my phone inbetween doing the dishes after dinner, and before I know it, these tiny little arms wrapped around my leg and squeezed. Made my night, and I let her know it, too. I scooped her up and gave her tons of kisses and said, "I love you." And she? She repeated back three little syllables. She loves me too!
I can wear jeans to work tomorrow. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy this makes me.
Hannah apparently loves donuts. Her teachers were kind enough to share their breakfast with her, and she just couldn't get enough. You should have seen how excited she was when they sent her home with a donut this afternoon - she couldn't eat it fast enough.

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