As usual, my trip was met with some "unexpecteds." When the nurse took Gracie and Belle to the back, guess who burst into tears? Miss Hannah Bear did NOT want the puppies to go away. Poor thing - her big brother went right up to her, patted her on the back, and then told her, "It's okay, we're going to come back later and pick them up." Then he looked up at me, as if to ask, "Right, Mama?" My heart just melted...
But that wasn't all. When the nurse came back out, she gave Jack a coloring book all about vets and a set of crayons. We got back into the car, and he went straight to work looking at the pictures and coloring the animals. As he worked, he chatted with me about how he wants to be an animal doctor when he grows up. He talked about how he'd tell them they had "broken bone-itis" or "blister-itis." These -itis endings are a little something he picked up from Doc McStuffins:)
I told Jack about how he'd be a really good animal doctor because he's so smart, and then I thought I would share the fact that Daddy also wanted to be an animal doctor when he was little. Here's how that conversation went:
Me: Did you know that Daddy also wanted to be an animal doctor when he was little?
Jack: Yeah, but now he's just a worker.
Me: Well, you're right. Daddy has another job - he helps people with their money.
Jack: Yeah, when I grow up I'm not going to forget.
Me: What do you mean you're not going to forget?
Jack: I'm not going to forget - when I grow up I'm going to be an animal doctor.
Me: Oh, Sweetie - I don't think Daddy forgot. I think he just decided he wanted to do something else. You could too, and that would be okay.
Jack: Yeah, but I'm not going to forget.
Alrighty then. So...several years from now, perhaps you'll be taking your little animals to Dr. Jack. After all, I decided I wanted to be a teacher when I was three - and here we are:)

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