While I was trying to listen to one of Jack's stories, Hannah Bear was simultaneously asking me for a snack. This is not unusual - there are many times a day where it just seems like they are both talking at me at the same time. But this time, Hannah stuck her little hip out to the side and asked, "Are you listening to me?"
I'm just going to go ahead and admit that she got that from me. There. I said it.
Hannah came up to me with her Doc McStuffins toy and said, "It's not working very well." I was so impressed with her use of well instead of good that my jaw dropped. I kissed her and told her how much I loved her.
She apparently wasn't satisfied because she repeated herself.
That's when I remembered that I'd turned the battery-operated toy off because I couldn't stand to hear that song one more time the other day. So I "fixed it" for her, and off she went.
"It's not working very well."
How perfect is that?
When Brad and I say, "I love you," to Hannah Bear, she says, "Okay."
While playing on the floor next to Dylan, I heard Hannah say, "Don't get Hannah tootsies!" I turned to find a Baby Dylan swiping at her little toes. I think she was worried he might eat them:)
It didn't take long. I was holding Hannah after dinner last night, when she stuck her wet, sloppy finger into my ear and said, "Wet willy." She was so proud of herself, and then...
"I get a quarter."
Brad and I had a good laugh about that one.
This morning Hannah asked for Gracie and Belle. When I reminded her that they were at their new home, she said, "I want them."
Ensue tears. Mine, not hers.
"I know, Baby. Me too. But they are having such a good time at their new home." All said while smiling like a crazy person.
And that was all. She didn't bring it up again.
I probably need help.
I probably need juice.
I probably want binky lovey. (This is actually how she says this: binky lovey, always together.)
Hannah knows exactly when and how to soothe herself, by the way. As soon as she's upset or disappointed or frustrated, she goes off in search of her binky lovey. She also likes to fiddle with tags. All of the tags on her lovies are super-soft from being rubbed by her tiny fingers for countless nights. It's adorable, and I love it.
{This is the best picture I took of Hannah this week. She was trying out Jack's new Thor costume, and I think she liked it.}

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