"You remember that place with the big bear? And the moose on the wall? When can we go there again, Mom?"
So I thought Saturday before school started would be a fun, family celebration. Only in order to make it back on time for the kids to have baths and go to bed, we decided to visit the closer location rather than the one we normally eat at. And unfortunately for us, it is not set up in exactly the same way, i.e. bear outside and moose on the wall.
When we got there, Jack shared his disappointment. I tried to explain that maybe they had brought the bear statue inside since it was going to rain. And look! They have animals on the wall, too!
He wasn't buying it.
The animals were not in the right place.
And the statue? It's way too heavy for someone to move it because of the rain.
Those were his words.
We don't get anything past that one.
On the way home, Hannah decided to tell her very first knock-knock joke. She just randomly started saying, "Knock, knock."
So finally, I asked, "Who's there?"
And believe it or not, she said, "Cow."
"Cow, who?"
We laughed and laughed and laughed. And then we heard the same joke 27 times before we got home.
The kiddos were so good at dinner. Maybe we're at the ages now where it's okay to eat in public more often. No screaming and/or tantrums. Everyone ate. It was wonderful.
The potato salad was good, too:)

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