Instead, tonight I want to remember the silly things my kids say and do - always makes me smile. You'll have to indulge me; I'm a little behind.
While we were staying at Great Wolf Lodge and on our way to the Golden Corral, we forgot Hannah's binky and lovey. On our way back to the hotel to retrieve the forgotten binky, Jack must've said that word at least 25 times. And Hannah was getting increasingly more upset. Finally, I turned around and said, "If we keep saying binky, she's going to keep wanting her binky, so if we could stop saying binky, that'd be great."
We got a good laugh out of that one - Hannah included.
When Hannah starts fussing, and Jack knows it's fake, he calls her on it immediately. "Hannah, that's fake."
That's all.
And then?
She stops.
One night, we were trying to get Hannah to eat carrots. She hates carrots. Jack had already finished dinner, and as he was standing by, he announced, " not going to go well."
Every time Brad and I hear something we say come out of Jack's mouth, we just crack up.
One morning, I went into Hannah's room to get her out of her crib, and I caught her off-guard. She looked up at me, stuck her bottom lip out, and said, "Scare you."
"Mommy scared you?"
I felt so bad, but after I gave her some kisses, she was much better.
On our way down the stairs, I told her, "I love you, Baby Girl. You make me happy."
And she just smiled.
Because she knows.
For Hannah's birthday dinner, I made ziti, salad, and garlic bread. Our kids don't like salad, but they love bacon bits. Love with a capital L.
Hannah likes to get her own bacon bits, and she was literally just pouring fistfuls into her tiny hands and shoving them into her mouth before I could take the jar away.
When I did, she asked, "Last time?" That means she wanted more.
When I started to say no, Jack chimed in and said, "It's her birthday, you can't just leave her hanging."
Brad and I thought that was pretty hysterical.
Needless to say, Hannah got more bacon bits:)
When I took Jack and Hannah to a local water park, we had to drive down a wooded road to get there. There were trees lining the sides of the street, and you could see some vines hanging from tree to tree.
Jack, in awe from the backseat, told me, "I love swinging on vines."
And then he whispered, "But I've never done it before."
I just thought that was the cutest thing in the world. I don't think I'll ever forget it!

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