It wasn't too bad. The timing went well, and we all made it on time. I was so proud of Jack, not a single tear, and he didn't really go into his own classroom right away because it was so early in the morning. Hannah didn't do quite as well. She was very upset and cried. She's cried every morning since, and she whimpers at night if we talk about school. Her lip quivers when we pull into the parking lot in the morning. Friday was her splash day, so I got her dressed in her swimsuit. When we pulled into the parking lot, she asked, "We go pool?" I felt so bad that she'd gotten confused. My heart just broke.
Today wasn't any easier. I'm trying to give it time. I'm not thrilled with our new place yet, but change is hard, and I need some time to adjust. Jack seems happy, and Hannah's happy when I get there. Just not when I drop her off. At all. It's so hard to leave her there when she's so unhappy...
The other problem? Hannah came home with a runny nose on Friday, and she wasn't feeling well all weekend. She woke up with a fever on Saturday morning, but she seemed to get better as the weekend progressed, and today she was able to go to school. Being exposed to all those other kids always seems to bring the sniffles, but such is life. The rest of us seem to have gotten by unscathed. Fingers crossed.
In other news, Jack tried to bribe Brad with a quarter tonight, and Hannah, when asked, "Who's the prettiest little girl in the whole wide world?" answers, "Hannah did." They make me smile.
Today is Belle's seventh birthday, and we sent her a birthday video. Joe said their ears perked up when they heard our voices, and then I felt bad. I hope we didn't get their hopes up or confuse them. I miss them.
and I have a new job. I start tomorrow. I'll be teaching first grade, and I'm super-excited. Also a tiny bit scared since parents come Thursday, we meet students on Friday, and school starts next Tuesday. You'll understand if I'm away from the blog for a few days, no?
Wish me well - I'm going to need it!

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