Late Thursday night, Brad woke me up because Jack was coughing like crazy. I say coughing, but really it was more like a bark. We set up the humidifier, and he seemed to settle in. Friday morning, when I went to wake him up, I could tell right away that he had a fever. Lucky for me, Brad was able to stay home and telecommute so that Jack could stay home and rest.
I went off to work, but on my way in, I was feeling under the weather myself. My throat was sore, and as the day progressed, I started to lose my voice. Friday night, I was feeling so icky that I actually cancelled our house-cleaning plans for Saturday. You know it's bad when that happens...
Saturday morning was worse - like razorblades across my throat. Jack still had a fever. And Hannah? She was starting to cough, too. We did not like where this was going. We were scheduled to attend the circus at 4. We'd bought tickets months ago. Jack had been looking forward to it for weeks. Hannah had never been. We wanted this so bad, but we needed a miracle.
It didn't come. We knew we couldn't go.
We called around to see if anyone could go in our place, and no one else was available. Those poor tickets went to waste. Jack was a trooper though - when Daddy broke the news to him, he didn't cry. He is sad he has to wait another year, but he understood, and we were thankful for that.
On top of having to cancel our circus plans, we also had to cancel our Sunday Steak Dinner plans with our neighbors. They have preemie twins, so there was no way we could expose them to these germs.
So our weekend was a bummer. But on the other hand? We had a low-key, nap-a-lot weekend, and after lots of extra sleep on Saturday, I did feel better. Just not great.
Lucky for us, Jack's and Hannah's fever went away before the weekend was through. They both have residual coughs and are taking breathing treatments before bed, but at least they feel better.
Me? I feel okay, except I sound awful, and my throat feels raw. It's a tricky thing when you're a teacher, and you lose your voice. Or when you have two, loud little lovelies and you lose your voice, for that matter. But I'm managing.
The worst part?
It's a tie between having to tell Jack we couldn't go to the circus and not getting to eat circus food. Because you know I'm all about the circus food.
And Hannah would be, too.

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