Hannah likes to hold my hand sometimes when she's sad in the car. This can be tricky depending on where we're driving. Tonight, when she started to cry because I couldn't hold her hand? The best, big brother in the whole-wide-world said, "Here Hannah, you can hold my hand."
And she stopped. And we rode like that for miles and miles.
So seriously sweet.
While we were tucking Hannah into bed, I called her Hannah Bear.
She looked at me and said, "I'm not Hannah Bear."
"You're not?"
"I Hannah."
Just like that. She's now trying to get rid of my nickname for her. And I'm not having it.
Jack is loving school. Loving it. He thinks it's awesome, and every day, he comes home and tells me about the new things he's learning without me having to ask. He's learning the days of the week and the months, he's learning the names of various coins, he knows when his birthday is and what country and state he lives in. He's soaking it all up, and I'm so happy that he's so happy. It makes my mommy/teacher heart soar:)
Yesterday, I borrowed a book from Jack's bookshelf to read to my class. I did it under the radar so that he wouldn't be upset, and since we don't read it very often, I knew I'd be able to return it before he went looking for it.
After we tucked Hannah into bed, we went into Jack's room, and I asked him to choose a story.
"Let's read that book about the bear that gets tricked."
"Which bear?" (thinking surely he's not talking about the book that I borrowed, we have lots of bear books)
"You know...the one with the vegetables?"
My inner monologue - "Oh my goodness - how does he know I have that book?!?! I have no choice."
"Oh, Buddy, I borrowed that book to read it to my class, and I forgot it at school today, but I can bring it home tomorrow night."
Jack: Completely devastated and bummed out, almost didn't want to read another story before bed. He finally settled on Bear Snores On, another one of our bear favorites.
He caught me red-handed. And wanted to read that book tonight just to see what I'd done with it. He's so, so smart. And absolutely nothing gets by that kid. Nothing.
So even on what felt like the longest day, and when I'm so physically and emotionally exhausted - these things had to be documented. They're just that good.
And a video for your viewing pleasure:
{Video: Hannah reads Everyone Poops}
Good night:)

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