I'm sure you could tell from our Grandparent's Day post that we spent the day with Grammy and Grampy. Brad was out of town for work that weekend, and Grandma and Grandpa were off enjoying a beautiful Alaskan Disney cruise. I know, we were jealous, too.
The kids and I decided that on Saturday night, we would spend the night at Grammy and Grampy's new house. Jack and Hannah had been asking to have a sleepover for a long time, but I certainly didn't want to stay at our house completely by myself, and we all thought it would be fun to have one big pajama party.
Saturday morning, Ryan and Dylan came over to a play for a little bit. The kids had a good time in the ball pit with their cousin:)
After we had played with Ryan and Dylan, had the house cleaned, and put all of our groceries away and got ourselves a tiny bit organized, we went to one of Jack's friend's birthday party. Jack had a very good time, but Hannah Bear was a little too shy to play.
On our way home from the party, we passed Grammy and Grampy on their motorcycles, coming home after a ride. We made a U-Turn and followed them home; Jack and Hannah love to watch Grammy and Grampy on their motorcycles!
Then we went home for a bit to pack up our things, and headed over for the sleepover at about dinner time. Grammy and I made an easy kids' dinner for Jack and Hannah, and they both played with their new toys from Grammy and Grampy, a Star Wars Lego set for Jack, and a new baby doll for Hannah. Afterwards, we ordered pizza for the adults and watched Iron Man. We gave the kids a bath in Grammy and Grampy's tub, and while I had fully intended to have an all-out dance party, by the time we got around to it, it was too late, and we'd probably have woken the neighbors. We ended up putting Jack and Hannah to bed in their new room for the first time. It was a low-key and relaxing evening, and while I had packed school stuff to do after the kids went to bed, I didn't even open my bags.
(where we found one of Hannah's babies)
Thanks for such a great weekend, Grammy and Grampy! We hope you had as much fun as we did!
Last weekend was another awesome weekend because Daddy finally came home from his work trip. The kids and I were so excited to see him on Friday night. His plane landed around 4:30, so I tried to rush after school to get the kids and get home in time to make a Welcome Home banner for Daddy's side of the garage before he got home. We almost made it!
Instead, Daddy got to help the littles make the banner:)
We ordered dinner and just enjoyed spending time all together after so many days apart.
Last Saturday was a beautiful day, so we took the kids to the park. I was sure it would be crowded because it was so pretty, but only one other family was there, and it was very nice to have so much room to run around. Jack went across the monkey bars all by himself for the very first time - we were so proud of him!
{Video: Jack on the Monkey Bars}
(This video was taken after he'd already gone across several times - his poor arms were tired!)
Saturday night, we ran some errands and then on Sunday, we just spent a lazy day at home together.
It was another perfect weekend, for sure.

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