Today, our babies returned to their former daycare. After three weeks of trying to make it work and trying to help Hannah adjust, I decided that it just wasn't the place for us. Hannah has never been more miserable, and in my mommy-gut, I was just not impressed. In fact, I was completely underwhelmed. And every day that I went in and Hannah still didn't have her name or her photo on her cubby made it worse. When I dropped Hannah off Thursday morning, yet again not in her own classroom and with a teacher that she was unfamiliar with and didn't know her name, I made the decision to call our old school to see if they had space for our little lovelies.
Thank goodness, they did.
Within twenty-four hours, new job and all, I had pulled them out of their current school, prepared an emergency contact list for the change, emailed Jack's kindergarten teacher so she would be aware of where to send Jack after school, called the front office, packed their school materials, and had taken them back to where they belong.
When we walked in this morning, the teachers and staff cheered and welcomed us with open arms. Free of charge today!
Hannah was upset when I left - I knew she would be. Too much has been going on, and she doesn't feel settled. And I get it.
But when I got there this afternoon?
She was smiling and playing outside with her friends. Sans lovey and binky. She had a wonderful day - ate her whole lunch and napped like a doll. She is happy.
And Jack? Jack was like a mini-celebrity when he got back to the school after kindergarten.
He and his "girlfriend" Lola were once again inseparable.
They are so happy. And so am I.
My job?
I haven't worked this hard in years. But like I said, I am happy. I feel fulfilled - I am doing something that really matters to me. I am surrounding myself with little ones who, for the most part, are eager to learn. I realize the weight of that responsibility, but it makes me feel good.
It's what I was meant to do.
I appreciate your patience while I find my bearings in a new job and new grade level:)
And when I'm not working? I'm soaking up these little ones. Forgive me.

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