In other news, this morning was Jack's first day in the two year-old classroom at school, and let's just say, he cried, and I cried, and it wasn't pretty. It was actually pretty horrible. Poor little man had to go in early this morning because I had to train teachers today, which means I had to wake him up early to get there in time. I went into his room at about 6:30 this morning, and he was sound asleep with his little tushy up in the air - I would have snapped a photo but I was just too super-emotional and a little bit rushed, but my goodness - I love it when he sleeps like that. Let's me think he really is still a baby! Anyway, we'd been talking about going to the "big boy class" all weekend, and he seemed pretty excited. He stayed really excited - until we got there. It's a good thing Miss Tab was in the building because after I pried Jack off of me and left him with someone he did not want to be with, I ran into his old room and cried onto her shoulder. She was having a rough morning too, what with Jack not coming to her room and all. She promised to check in on him throughout the day so I felt okay leaving to go to work.
The good news is that after I left and set up my training room, I called the school to see if he was still wailing his head off, and Miss Shannon happily reported that Jack was in the library looking at books with a big smile on his face. I felt so much better!
When I picked him up this afternoon, the teachers said that he had a great day. He spent all day in his underpants - no accidents - and was dry after his nap! What a proud
Hopefully, drop-off will be a little bit smoother tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed because I don't think my little heart can take much more.
Perhaps you noticed that "mommy" replaced "mama" in the story above. Apparently, when you move into the two year-old room, it isn't cool to say "mama" anymore. I realized this afternoon that Jack hasn't called me "mama" all weekend, only "mommy." What?!?!
Tonight we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, corn, and pineapple bits for dinner. I didn't even give Jack the corn because I knew it was a lost cause, but I thought I would give everything else a try. First, he ate every single pineapple bit, one right after the other. He ate all of his meatloaf. He didn't touch his mashed potatoes - so much for that! Then, he looked at me with this big grin on his face, and said, "I eat my chicken all done!"
Oh, I love him.
PS - While previewing this post, I was alerted that there was "an intergalactic emergency" in Jack's room (aka - Jack rolled over onto Buzz Lightyear in his sleep).
PPS - When going in to remove Buzz Lightyear in order to prevent any future intergalactic emergencies, I apparently woke Jack up because when I got back to my room to publish said post, he cried over the monitor that he had to go potty. That's my boy:)