So I've been a little MIA this week, but with good reason. Tuesday after work, Ryan came over to hang out with me and Jack and to talk weddings - one of my all-time favorite subjects. We had a pretty good time, but Jack was more than a little fussy for no reason that I could figure out, and he certainly wasn't saying. After she left, I gave Jack a bath and tucked him into bed. About half an hour later, I heard him crying which is pretty unusual for our little man. It seemed like maybe he had to go potty, so we went, and then I put him back to bed. Another hour later Jack was up again - only this time he was screaming, holding his ear, and saying, "My ear hurts, ear hurts." Suddenly it all made sense - the squirming during the cleaning of the ears, the constant fidgeting of his head on my shirt during storytime, the fussiness (oh, the fussiness). Mommy believed that Jack had his very first ear infection. I didn't know what to do, so I Googled. We gave him some Motrin and held a warm wash cloth up to his ear until the pain medicine started to kick in, and then I took him back to bed.
The next morning we were at the doctor's at 7:30 for their walk-in hours. Have I ever mentioned how much I heart our pediatrician's office? I do:) On the way in, and in the waiting room, Jack told EVERYONE that his ear hurt and waved. At least he was in a good mood! He even stood on the scale without crying - he usually breaks out into an all-out wail right about that time, but he just kept saying, "I go to the doctor's like a big boy." We happened to get our favorite doctor (the one I usually request when given more than eight hours notice), and sure enough, Baby Jack has his first ear infection. I'm so glad that he can talk because it obviously would have taken me much longer to notice had he not come out and told me what was wrong. No mother-of-the-year award headed my way, but that's a whole other topic:)
Jack was cleared to go to school that day, but I felt bad because I knew he was feeling under the weather. I, however, had eight teachers to see that day for lessons and follow-up visits, and if you've ever tried to schedule something like that before, you realize what a feat that was in itself the first time. I couldn't even imagine having to do it again. Luckily, Jack's grandma and grandpa were available to take Jack for the day so that Mommy could go to work. Have I ever mentioned how much I heart my in-laws? I do:) When I dropped Jack off, I took his chubby little cheeks in my hands, kissed his nose, and said, "I love you so much." He mimicked my every move, right down to his little dimpled fingers on my face, and said, "I love you so much." Be still my little heart - I don't think I could ever forget that moment as long as I live.
The good news is that Jack is apparently feeling much better. Not so fussy. No crying in the middle of the night. No more complaints about ear pain. Thank goodness, because I wasn't sure that I could take his sad, teary little eyes while he told me what hurt much longer. We're so lucky that Jack is such a healthy boy...
Speaking of feeling much better, he apparently has had a little trouble at school the past few days taking turns and keeping his hands to himself. Had to have a little chat with the teacher this afternoon in fact...not good. We're working on it! While there may be a few little behavior issues, Jack is definitely continuing to learn at school. This week I noticed he can:
-twirl spaghetti noodles on a fork (I know, seriously?!)
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Five Little Monkeys
-talk almost always in complete, somewhat complex sentences (so much so that when we took Gracie to the doctor's on Thursday, the nurse asked Jack, "So this is Gracie?" and Jack replied, "Cuddlebug's at home." Or tonight when Brad asked Jack what he did with the remote, and Jack replied, "It's in my bedroom. I'll go get it. Be right back!")
Here's a little video of Jack singing
Five Little Monkeys in the bathtub before
I discovered he pointed out his ear infection: