Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs about a pound and a half and is about eight and a half inches long.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Her tiny little ears are getting sharper and she can hear and respond to loud noises like yapping dogs (check) and man tools (check). Her facial features are almost fully formed, and if she has hair, it is white since there is no pigment yet. Very interesting... The website says my belly button may pop this week, too, but they're about six weeks too late! Ha!
Total Weight Gain: 23 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Umm...yes. And in fact, I'm thinking I might need some bigger big-girl jeans because I'm realizing that my thighs are looking like sausages in the ones I have, and they are always leaving a mark on my belly. Not a good sign!
Gender: A girl! Much cuter to hear Jack say it though...
Movement: She's still a mover and a shaker when I am still.
Sleep: I love sleep and don't have any trouble sleeping. Wish I could sleep more though...
What I miss: Mountain Dew...from Taco Bell or Arby's.
Cravings: Jelly Beans and bananas.
Symptoms: My legs are getting awfully close to cramping at night. And I'm consistently thirsty and having to go to the bathroom!
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: I'm pretty sure that we've decided on a name for our precious Peanut as of last night, but we're not ready to tell just yet. We may wait to announce her name when she arrives:)

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