Jack is really becoming more and more of a conversationalist, and it is the sweetest, most adorable thing in the world to me and his daddy. This morning, I got up to get breakfast, and from downstairs, I heard Jack open his bedroom door and whimper at the top of the stairs. I came up to get him, and he snuggled with me for a few minutes before heading downstairs. He went potty, and then asked me to rub his back for a good five minutes (truly his mother's child!). We took care of the puppy dogs and got our breakfast ready, and then my sweet little man invited me to come and eat with him. Before I went upstairs to take a shower, here's how our chit-chat went:
Me: I had such a good weekend with you.
Jack: I had a good weekend with you too.
Completely unprompted, unpracticed. Just heartfelt. Be still my little heart.
He got dressed all by himself and was as cute as can be during drop-off at school. When I picked him up, he was so excited to see me. We came home and Jack wanted to go for a walk, so we took the doggies out for awhile. Then he wanted to drive his tractor, only for some reason, he likes me to drive it first and then about half-way around the block, he drives and I walk next to him, trying to guide his steering:) He did such a good job today! He even recognized the lettering on the John Deere gator and wanted me to go and get his John Deere hat:)
He "helped" with dinner and was such a brave, little boy when he got his first little burn. He was a little too eager to get his hands on the garlic bread, and while I thought I'd pushed the cookie sheet back enough on the counter, apparently I had not:( He didn't shed a single tear, just announced he had a boo-boo, and he was so good while I put a cold, wet paper towel on it and Googled how to proceed from there. A little Neosporin and a Nemo bandaid later, and he was as good as new, although occasionally throughout the evening Daddy and I heard him whimper a little "ow."
After dinner, again as cute as can be, he said to Daddy, "Are you finished, Daddy? Do you want to come and play with me a little bit?" Ohmygoodness. Brad and I just looked at each other and looked at Jack and fell in love all over again. His cuteness just abounds and that adorable little voice gets us every time!
All in all, minus our little man's boo-boo, it was a magical Monday. I love days like these...

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