Meet Fluffy.
Fluffy is a turtle that Brad saw in the street on his way to work this morning. While Brad had full intentions of taking Fluffy to a nearby pond and releasing him right away, the weather had other plans. It started to pour, so instead Fluffy spent the day in Brad's car, and when Brad got home this evening, Jack got to see "Mr. Turtle," which is what he promptly renamed him as. After dinner my boys took Mr. Turtle up to a nearby pond to release him so that he could "be with his family." Brad said Jack was really excited about the release - until they actually let Mr. Turtle go, and then Jack said, "Get him back, Daddy!"
Daddy explained that just like how Nemo wanted to go back to the ocean to be with his dad, Mr. Turtle wanted to go back to be with his family too. That seemed to make Jack feel better, and as they walked back to the car, Jack waved and shouted, "Goodbye, Mr. Turtle!" until the pond was out of sight:) I'm pretty sure my little man is going to love animals just as much as his daddy.
It's been awhile since I've done a Thankful Thursday post, so here's a list of the things I'm most thankful for this evening:
* a sweet husband who brakes for turtles on his busy morning commute
* my sweet Baby Jack, who told me just this morning that my hair was pretty
* the healthy baby girl who kicks and squirms all day to let me know she's here
* Ryan and John, who sent me a gift card for another Mommy to Be massage today - what a wonderful email to receive halfway through my work day
* the green buds on the tree outside of our house - just last week, I was telling Brad I thought the tree was dead and hadn't lasted through the winter, but sure enough, it's alive and well today
* cheap, summer sandals from Target
* $4.00 girly dresses (with bloomers!) for Peanut from Target
* the Help menu on my Mac which promptly helped me to find our shared drive when I could no longer take the fact that it was missing
* the fact that it's Thursday because, that my friends, means that tomorrow is FRIDAY:)

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