Last week was Spring Break. It was so nice to have the entire week off from work, and I decided to keep Jack home from school (and use our one-week vacation credit, YAY!) for the entire week so that we could spend lots of time together. It was such a nice week, and we had so much fun each day. Here's a breakdown of our Spring Break adventures:
On Monday...
- Grandma and Grandpa kept Jack in the morning so that I could go have my Mommy to Be Massage. The massage was wonderful, and I loved every single second. I think I'm going to go each month for the last three months of my pregnancy if I can work it out. Jack got to play with his toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house and then they took him to Chuck E. Cheese (his favorite restaurant) for lunch. After I dropped the puppies off for haircuts and did some Easter shopping, I picked Jack up and brought him home for nap time. During the entire week, Jack and I napped together - it was so fun, and we both slept so well each afternoon. That afternoon we just played around the house.
On Tuesday...
- we met Aunt Kimmee and Channing at Sport Bounce, one of Jack's favorite places to play. While we were there, we also ran into Ben, one of his friends from school. He was so excited to see his friend in a new setting, and they played hard together for a long time while his mommy and I chatted. After Ben left, Jack focused more on Channing, but I noticed that he wasn't really playing with him so much as constantly running past him in the inflatables. When I could finally catch up to him, I asked, "Jack, are you helping Channing or are you just paddling right past him?"
With complete honesty, he responded, "Just paddling past him." Lovely. We're working on how to be gentle and helpful to our younger friends:)
After Sport Bounce we headed to the mall so that I could buy some new jeans, and we had lunch at the food court. Before we went home, we took a ride on the choo choo train.
On Wednesday...
- Jack helped me go stroller shopping in the morning, and we finally settled on the double stroller we'll be getting soon. He wasn't quite sure what he thought about the baby seat right up front at first, but after a little push around the store, he seemed to understand. Afterwards, we had lunch with Grammy at Red Robin and ran into John (my sister's fiance) and his mom while we were there. We ended up all eating together, and Jack was excited to spend some time with Grammy and Uncle John:) We came home, took a nice long nap in Mommy's bed, and then headed back to the mall to have our picture taken with the Easter Bunny. Based on the evidence, Jack is clearly more fond of the Easter Bunny than Santa.
On Thursday...
- we headed back to Sport Bounce in the morning and met up with Kimmee and Channing again. I was a little stir-crazy and Jack needed to burn off some energy. By the time we left, we'd both had a little break from one another:) That afternoon, after our nap, we met Kimmee and Channing at Frying Pan Park. The boys had so much fun with one another...visiting the animals, riding the tractors, and playing on the playground. Here are some of our photos from the afternoon:
Baby Goats
A Bull
Jack on a tractor
Such a cutie
Visiting the bunny (Jack has asked to go back and see the bunny at least four times since then!)
Holding hands
A horse
On Friday...
- we ended up having a lazy morning at home, and then we did some shopping and had lunch with Grammy. Everyone was kind of grumpy - maybe it was the yucky weather! We sure took a good nap later that afternoon:)
On Saturday...
- I cleaned the house like a crazy person (I think nesting is starting to set in) and pulled out some of our Easter decorations. Then Jack and I went with Grammy and Grampy to visit Great-Grandma Stella for Easter. Jack loved exploring the goldfish pond, looking at the garden bunnies, and watching the squirrels in the courtyard. I love watching him explore - I imagine it's very much what his daddy was like as a small boy. It's cute.
We wrapped up our fabulous Spring Break on Easter Sunday, and I have some great pictures to share:) More on that later...

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