Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 25 weeks (and 1 day)
Size of Baby: Peanut is getting bigger and bigger! She's now about nine inches long and weighs over a pound and a half. She is taller than two juice boxes stacked on top of one another and weighs about four juice boxes.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: This week, blood vessels are developing in Peanut's lungs. Her nostrils will also become unplugged. At this point, she could survive outside the womb with medical assistance (but, of course, we want her to stay put as long as possible).
Total Weight Gain: 25 1/2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Very much so. Strangers are starting to ask when I'm due, and then make a surprised face when I tell them not until July:(
Gender: An adorable baby girl...
Movement: Peanut has developed a normal pattern of awakeness very early in the morning and then again late in the evening. She'll do somersaults (it seems) from about 5:15-6 am and then fall back asleep. I love it:)
Sleep: I'm still sleeping great.
What I miss: Being able to have Jack sit on my lap and still be super-close to me when reading stories at night time. CRACKING MY BACK - I have unfortunately reached the period of my pregnancy where this is no longer possible, and it's killing me.
Cravings: Cereal. And I'm thirsty a lot.
Symptoms: Everything feels heavy. I'm tired. Easily winded. And I can't crack my back.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: I ordered Peanut's bedding, and tomorrow I have an appointment where I'll get to hear her precious heartbeat.

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