Jack has been very busy learning lots of new things! The other day he came up to me, holding his knee, and announced that he hurt his elbow. At least he knows a joint is a joint:)
Everything is "the whole time." He'll tell stories about his friends at school and say that they weren't listening or they were playing outside, and at the very end of his story, he adds, "the whole time." It's the cutest thing...especially if you're me or his Papa Bear.
Just last Wednesday when I picked him up at school, his teacher shared that during circle time they were discussing their sense of sight. They went around the circle and let each child share how he/she uses his/her sense of sight. And do you know what my sweet, little boy said? "I see my mommy with my eyes." Melt. my. little. heart. I nearly burst into tears from pure joy!
The other day he came to tell me about something that Belle was up to (probably trying to eat his breakfast or something), and he said, "She doos. The whole time." When I repeated back to him, "Oh, she does?" he fixed it right away. Such a quick learner, this one.
Here he is practicing his counting skills earlier today. I'm pretty impressed. And while I personally think he's ready for kindergarten, I'm never wanting that day to come. Thinking about it makes me cry. Where is my baby growing off to?!

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