To say that we were shocked at Friday's appointment is an understatement. To say that we are absolutely thrilled to be having a baby even bigger understatement. We are so fact, I'm tickled pink:) I can't believe it - I feel like the luckiest mama in the world to have this perfect little man who I love so much, and now to have a baby girl. I'm dreaming in pink...of headbands, tutus, kitchens, dolls, dance recitals, weddings, and babies. Crazy over the moon excited.
Turns out that Jack knew all along. Whenever I would ask him whether he thought the baby was a boy or girl, he always said it was a girl. And my dad confessed that weeks ago, he told my mom he thought the baby would be a girl. Brad's mom had the same guess. I suppose Brad and I were the only ones who were pretty sure this little Peanut would be a boy.
Here are some pictures from our sonogram on Friday. To keep her from being wildly embarrassed one day, I am keeping the picture that very clearly shows Baby is a girl private:) You'll just have to trust us!
Her precious face...tilt your head to the right and imagine.
A precious girly foot...tilt to the left
And her beautiful, little profile. Can you see her healthy heart?
We are so excited. I've been a little anxious these last few days because I've been very sick and haven't been able to really see anyone or doing any shopping for anything pink, but all in good time, I'm sure. Because of my recent illness, there is no 20 week picture of the belly:( I'm sorry, but I'm looking less than stellar, and besides, you got to see pictures of our precious little angel instead.
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 20 weeks - we're half-way there!
Size of Baby: As of Friday, the baby weighed about 10 ounces. She is about the size of a small cantaloupe at six and a half inches long.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: The baby's uterus is fully formed and she has about seven million primitive eggs in there right about now. When she's born, there'll be about two million in there - all the eggs she'll ever have, and more than she'll ever need.
Total Weight Gain: I've gained 14 lbs. Last week, I lied. I was definitely still not at 15 pounds - I was closer to 20, but I was sure that our scale was broken. I've been sick since Friday though, and I've lost some weight, so my total weight gain as of today is 14 pounds. Honest.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much. With the exception of some of my stretchier shirts and jammies. Gender: I still can't believe it - a baby girl:)
Movement: She loves to wiggle and press against my abdomen, mostly in the late evening. Brad was able to feel the baby move earlier this week, but Jack hasn't felt her just yet.
Sleep: I have no trouble sleeping wonderfully. I think having an almost three year old helps with that so much!
What I miss: Nothing.
Cravings: I haven't really been hungry lately due to my cold.
Symptoms: My skin is still not great and my belly button is about to stick out. Lovely.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Finding out Peanut is a little miss!

1 comment:
It appears as though baby girl has Dad's feet!! haha, jk...I'm sure the camera adds a few inches :)
Love you both,
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