I was a little surprised by how quickly my mind adjusted to quiet and then how difficult it was to adjust to constant noise/talking upon my return:) He obviously missed me so much and had so much to tell me!
After our nap, we prepared for Caelan's 3rd birthday party. Caelan is one of Jack's friends from SoccerTots and JW Tumbles. This was Jack's first birthday party where he wasn't the center of attention, and we were a little nervous to see how he'd do. Surprisingly, he did so well!
Arriving in Style
Climbing on the Inflatables
Flushed Cheeks
So Much Fun
What Jack was doing while everyone else took a picture with the birthday boy
Scooping some icing
Jack's Time to Go Face
Very afraid his balloon might blow away, even after Daddy tied it to his arm
Birthday Party = Success
So good to be home where I belong!

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