{Excuse the jammies that are barely covering the bump, but I've been so tired after work these days that I haven't remembered to take a picture until I'm already in my pajamas!}
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs a little over a pound and is eight inches long - still about the size of a small doll.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: This week begins some serious weight gain for our baby girl. By the end of this month, she will have doubled her weight! Right now, her bones and organs are visible through her skin, which has a red hue due to her developing veins and arteries.
Total Weight Gain: 21 1/2 pounds
Maternity Clothes: Almost exclusively. I'm dying for the weather to get a tad bit warmer so that I can wear some of my new maternity clothes that were purchased with spring in mind.
Gender: A baby girl:)
Gender: A baby girl:)
Movement: Peanut likes to wiggle a bit throughout the day, but mostly at night or in the early morning when I lay on my back.
Sleep: I still sleep really well, but I do roll back and forth from side to side, propping my belly with a pillow.
What I miss: Mountain Dew and caffeinated sweet tea...this past weekend in the south was tricky!
Cravings: Watermelon, apples, peaches. Cereal.
Symptoms: Just continuing to get bigger. My skin is finally starting to clear up, so that's a plus.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: While at the beach, my family was able to feel Peanut moving around so that was pretty neat.

1 comment:
Nothing like Dad sleeping on the bed next to us and Mom and I leaning over you to cop a feel of peanut :)
I've gotta say though, it's pretty amazing.
I love you!
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