When I shared my second pregnancy post, I posted pictures of Peanut that were taken during our second sonogram. What I didn't share with you then, was that we were told during that appointment that the doctor "saw a little something." Our peanut was a boy! Shocked to have found out such big news at such an early point in the pregnancy, we began planning a life that included having two little boys. Peanut had a name, one we refer to him with at home and with Jack. In fact, one of our cutest moments here at home is asking Jack to say his baby brother's name. We picked out bedding. I shopped Amazon for books on raising sons and Etsy for tons of newborn photography props - teal wraps, aviator hats, baby ties. You name it, I was ready to purchase:) We were all set.
All the while, in the back of my mind, I still felt so shocked to know already. Everything I read said you couldn't tell that early. But here we were, with a doctor who said in her ten years of experience, she had never been wrong about a gender. That sounded like a pretty sure bet. Brad was 100% convinced. I was about 98% convinced. When asked, I told people I thought Peanut would be a boy. We never made any big announcements - we kept our secret, waiting for our confirmation at the 20-week ultrasound.
Which was today.
Last night, I warned Brad that the doctor could have been wrong. I was pretty sick at the beginning, my skin feels different, and my baby bump is widening...all signs it could be a girl according to myths. But really I was just pulling his chain - we're having another boy! In preparation for our big reveal, I drafted a post including one of my favorite poems about being the mother of a little boy. It melts my heart. I took all the singular words and changed them to plural form. I debated whether or not to italicize the plurals. I decided I'd leave it be. Let the shock settle in with my readers...you know, the five of you, and then I'd come back later and do another post with pictures and the whole, "It's a boy!" announcement.
Take a look at this poem, and see if you don't shed a little tear!
I Took Their Hands and Followed
My dishes went unwashed today;
I didn't make the bed.
I took their hands and followed
Where their eager footsteps led.
Oh yes, we went adventuring,
my little sons and I,
Exploring all the great outdoors
Beneath the summer sky.
We waded in a crystal stream,
We wandered through a wood...
My kitchen wasn't swept today,
But life was gay and good.
We found a cool, sun-dappled glade,
And now my small sons know
How mother bunny hides her nest
Where Jack-in-the-Pulpit grows.
We watched a robin feed her young,
We climbed a sunlit hill...
Saw cloud-sheep scamper through the sky;
We plucked a daffodil.
That my house was neglected,
That I didn't brush the stair,
In twenty years, no one on earth
Will know, or even care.
But that I've helped my little boys
To noble manhood grow,
In twenty years, the whole wide world
May look and see and know.
--Author Unknown
I was going to say something about the best laid plans, but I can't remember the quote. Let's just say that I didn't need to change the singular words to plural form because today...
while at the doctor's office for our third sonogram...
we very clearly found out that we are having...
a baby girl!

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