Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 21 weeks
Size of Baby: Peanut weighs about 11 ounces and is about 7 inches long - comparable to a large banana.
Baby's Developmental Milestones: Her taste buds have formed and each day she can taste a little bit of what I've eaten.
Total Weight Gain: 19 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much. With the exception of some of my stretchier shirts and jammies.
Gender: A little girl!
Gender: A little girl!
Movement: Peanut sleeps when I'm moving around and then usually, as soon as I'm still, whether it be at my computer, in the car, or on the couch, she starts to somersault. That is one of the things I love so much about being pregnant - feeling the baby move is an amazing thing.
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty good, but if I wake up in the early morning, it's hard to go back to sleep because my mind is reeling with a to-do list for big boy bedroom and baby preparations.
What I miss: Mountain Dew. And cute work pants.
Cravings: Similar to when I was pregnant with Jack, if something pops into my head or I see/hear about something that sounds good, I have to have it immediately. Last night, it was jelly beans because Brad was watching How It's Made on TV and they happened to be highlighting jelly beans. Lucky for me, we had some in the pantry. Thankgoodness, I tell you.
Symptoms: As of last Thursday after lunch my belly button has been sticking out - which is not my favorite. I'm also still waiting for my hair to be extra luxurious. Today I had some belly pains and severe exhaustion, but maybe the time change is catching up with me.
Best Pregnancy Moment this Week: Hearing Peanut's healthy heartbeat at 150 bpm at my monthly appointment!

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