Friday, March 14, 2014

Manners Matter

We've been working on manners with the kids.  Well, I'm pretty sure that all parents are always working on manners with their children, but still.

One of our best opportunities seems to come at dinner time.  The kids have a tendency to announce when they don't like something as soon as they come to the table, and Brad is really good about reminding them to thank me for making them a nice dinner.

Most nights, even if they don't like what we're serving, they say thank you.

But tonight, Hannah gave manners a new twist.

Daddy had worked from home, and I was feeling especially sleepy after work.  I took a tiny cat nap on the couch before dinner, and he decided to make salmon for the three of them while I planned to eat leftover nachos.

When we sat down to eat dinner, Hannah, in her most polite voice, said, "Thank you, Mommy, for not making dinner and sleeping," without a mean or condescending bone in her body.

She really was trying to be sweet.  I think...

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