Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Too Much Mom Love!

Last night the kiddos spent the night with me in our bed since Daddy was traveling for work.  From the time Jack was a tiny baby, I would bring him into bed with me whenever Brad traveled.  As he got older, he'd look forward to our mommy sleepovers whenever Daddy had to go out of town.  Then Hannah was born, and once she was big enough, she wanted in on the sleepovers as well.  Lucky for me (?), they both want to sleep next to me so that we can snuggle, which transfers to the fact that they sleep soundly on the sides, and I sleep directly in between two little lovelies that thrash in their sleep.  I say this, but I really do enjoy these special nights.

This morning, Hannah woke up before me and Jack, and she quietly sneaked downstairs to watch cartoons.  Jack and I woke up around the same time, and we just snuggled in bed for awhile, chatting, catching up on our Instagram feed, and searching the internet for Minecraft lunch boxes (which for whatever reason, don't seem to exist!).  We got up, went down and had breakfast, and I straightened up the house a bit.  After awhile, I came up to get a few things done on the computer, and soon enough, Hannah Bear came up with snacks to ask if she could have some.  I told her first she had to give me snuggles, so I pulled her up onto the bed and tickled her like crazy.  Then I kissed her little cheeks and her eyelids and her hair and squeezed her little legs.  She was laughing and laughing, and then she started shouting, "Too much mom love!  Too much mom love!  Too much!  Too much!"

"Too much mom love?" I asked her.

Simply not possible.

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