Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Circus Date

On Saturday we planned a special day for Jack with just Mommy and Daddy.  We took him to the circus for the very first time.  When we told him about our special date on Friday night, we explained that Baby Hannah was going to stay with Grandma and Grandpa so that we could spend some time with just Jack.  As we snuggled in bed, he told us, "But I want to go to Grandma and Grandpa's house too."  He failed to see how him getting to spend time with Mommy and Daddy without Hannah was a special event.  Oh's the thought that counts, right?

Saturday afternoon rolled around, and we dropped Hannah off at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Jack did very well during drop-off, but on the way to the circus, he kept reassuring us (but really himself) that maybe he could go to Grandma and Grandpa's another time.  Too cute.

When we got to the circus he was definitely interested in all that was going on.  He couldn't wait to get his hands on some popcorn, and he seemed into the various acts, but not nearly as much as we thought he'd be.  I think he even got a little bored at parts and seemed ready to leave.  His favorite act was the girl who did the acrobat tricks on a rope.  He leaned over to tell me, "Mama, she's pretty."  She was, indeed, very cute.  Boy's got good taste...

Maybe next year he'll be more excited about the circus...and honestly, I think he'd be more excited if we brought Hannah along too, which makes my little heart skip a beat.  He loves his little sister so much.

Either that, or he just doesn't want to leave her alone with Grandma and Grandpa when he doesn't get to be there!

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