Friday, June 14, 2013

Hannah Bear and an Early Case of the Terrible Two's

There are three reasons I haven't been back to write about the worst. night. ever. until now:

1) I've been reading The Hunger Games trilogy in rapid succession, and I can't put them down.

2) It was such an exhausting evening, the thought of writing it all down and re-living it, so to speak, seemed daunting.

3) I was hoping it was a fluke.

I can tell you that it definitely was not a fluke.

We are traveling into the terrible two's at a very fast pace with a very willful, determined, and stubborn tiny tot whose smile melts our heart.

{she hi-jacked Dylan's binky}

There doesn't seem to be any way to predict what will cause Hannah's tantrums or how long they will last or how frequently they will occur.  We are at the beck and call of a little girl who has so much to say, but can't clearly communicate everything she's thinking just yet.  Something tells me when she can, we may be in just as much trouble!

I honestly don't remember what caused the many tantrums that occurred that evening last week because since that night, they've occurred every day since, multiple times of day.  

The only part I do remember is that it mainly happened over one of Hannah's favorite dinners: kielbasa, baked beans, and corn.  She was so resilient in her fight, that at one point, she pushed her plate away, stuck her nose up in the air, and defiantly said, "Gross.  I don't like it."

That time it was because I wouldn't let her eat dinner from my lap.

But any other time?

Because she wanted to use different toothpaste.

Because she couldn't reach the book she wanted to read.

Because I wouldn't let her put the lid on her sippy cup.

Because I didn't get the right sippy cup out of the cabinet.

Because we made her hold our hands as we went across the street.

Because I wanted to take a video of the adorable sign language she was using to explain that we were taking Jack to swimming:

And so on.

It's like a minefield around these parts, and we are failing!

Even when she's not full-out throwing herself on the floor and crying, she's standing still, staring, and grunting with discontent every thirty seconds to let you know she's unhappy.

I just keep telling myself, this too shall pass.  

And it will.

But with that too, goes the little girl who says the most adorable (and sometimes, snarky) things as she's learning to talk more and more.

Hannah read to me.  (I want to read.)

Non't do that again, Mommy.  (Don't do that again, Mommy.)

I go tell Mommy on you.  (She said that one to Daddy when he wouldn't let her use a regular glass for her juice.)

Hannah go nap.  (When she's sleepy and wants to be put into bed at night...)

Pick you up.  (When she wants to be carried...)

Hannah come with you.  (When she wants to follow me everywhere, always...)

Hannah do it.  (When she wants to do something for herself...)

Jack took away.  (When Jack retrieves something she has stolen from him...)

Greasy bite you.  (When Gracie or Cuddlebug gives Hannah kisses...)

This little one is tricky, but we love her so, so much.  God help us when she's a teenager.

And so you know we're not exaggerating, we shot of short clip of one of Hannah's tantrums the other night.  This one seemed sparked by the fact I put the cookies she was asking for on the table rather than giving her the container.  We don't typically video her tantrums, but since everything else we've tried doesn't seem to make much difference, we figured it was too good to pass up.  

{Video: Hannah's Temper Tantrum #174}

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