Monday, June 3, 2013

Jack's Birthday Party

We had Jack's fifth birthday party yesterday.  He decided to go with a pirate theme this year, although Jack has already decided that next year he'd like to just have a regular party.  I think he means without a  theme.  He also mentioned he'd like to have it in the backyard.  I told him I think we have plenty of time to plan next year's party...although I'm excited because that should be a lot less expensive!

Jack is lucky to have so many family members that live close enough to come to his every party and friends that come out on the weekend to celebrate with him.

I think he and his friends had a good time yesterday.  There were lots of smiles and laughter, and only a few tears.  Probably to be expected when you're the center of attention and all eyes are on you.  And you embarrass easily.  His little sister enjoyed herself as well:)

Jack received many great gifts - his friends and family know him well.  Some of his favorites this year - Avengers crocs and sheets, a huge, stuffed Spider-man, an Iron Man lego set, a Jake and the Netherland Pirates play set, and a race car stunt garage.

We just can't believe our little man is five years old already!

We love you, Baby Jack.  So, so, so much.

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