Sunday, July 13, 2014


When Brad and I decided that this would be the year we would first take our kids to Disney, he put me in charge of planning the vacation, which, being the control freak that I am, was completely okay with me.  He said we could do whatever I wanted, with one exception.  We had to visit Gatorland while we were in Orlando.  That was his only request.

I was pretty sure that both Hannah and Jack would be thrilled to visit Gatorland as well, so I was perfectly okay with this plan.  I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I knew we'd have a good time.  I was right!

I couldn't get back far enough to get the whole "gator mouth" in the picture, but the kids played along when I asked them to act like they'd been swallowed by a gator!

 Gators, gators, everywhere!

 Albino alligator

So pretty...and brave

 Hannah loved the aviary the most - in fact, our only meltdown while at Gatorland was because she missed the 2nd aviary time by 25 seconds and couldn't get a bird to eat birdseed off a stick that Brad had rescued from a batch of used ones so she'd have a last chance.

Jack wasn't as amused with the birds as Hannah, but he gave it a try :)

That smile...

This bird was very fond of me, and I just kept hoping he wouldn't poo on my head.

 Looking up during our nature walk through the swamp - breathtaking

Feeding the goats at the petting zoo

 They get pretty good at maneuvering their horns through the fence

 Such a happy girl

My boy, always willing to let Mama take his picture

It was another good day.  And it wasn't even over yet.  After a short nap at our hotel (and a very bad thunderstorm), we went to Downtown Disney and had dinner at The Rainforest Cafe.  We also went to the Lego store :)

My loves - also notice that Hannah is now in outfit #3 for the day :)

Jack with some of his favorites from when he was Hannah's age

And Hannah Smash!

Remember this?

Hannah, February 2013

She's always been a little obsessed with the Hulk :)

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