She moved up to the toddler room after Thanksgiving, and she's been doing really well in there. She loves to play with the baby dolls, and her teachers have said that she often takes care of her babies while carrying her purse around the classroom at the same time. Apparently, she's learned to multi-task:)
For Christmas, Santa brought Hannah a baby doll, and we gave her a little pack n' play, high chair, and stroller for her babies, and it's the sweetest thing to watch her put her babies to bed. She rocks them on her shoulder, and gently sets them down, and pats their tummy - just like I do with her at bedtime. It seriously melts my heart...
While we officially gave up the bottle upon our return from Thanksgiving, Hannah is still our fierce little eater. She'll eat three times as much as Jack in the same amount of time. She's always the first one done with dinner, but even after she's done and she's cleared her place (because as soon as she's done, she hands me her plate, her cup, and literally everything else in front of her), she still comes back for more. If I sit down to eat after they've eaten, she comes running. Literally - any time she sees food of any kind (dog food included), she comes running. It makes us giggle.
She loves the puppy dogs. Within the last few days, she's started yelling Belle's name and then she makes kissing noises to get their attention. Kissing noises and backward kisses - she actually makes a fish face prior to the noise:) She yells, "Puppy!" whenever we first get home and she sees sweet.
She's talking up a storm - just tonight I realized that she can say, "Elmo." We were reading a book with Elmo in it, and she brought it right up to me and said, "Elmo." We were so proud, and she was so happy with herself.
She can also say:
snack (signs simultaneously)
bibi (binky)
gogoo (yogurt)
oboe (open)
pees (please, signs simultaneously)
juice (signs simultaneously)
Oh noooo!
I bo boo (I love you)
pity (pretty)
baf (bath)
She knows several animal sounds including lion, dinosaur, monkey, cow, and dog, and she can point to the following body parts:
belly button
She can wear pigtails!!!
{Have I ever told you how much Brad and I love this completely disinterested face that Hannah often gives us? We love it!}
See? It really happened - I wasn't lying.
When she's upset, she squeals. Loudly. They've mentioned to me at pick-up that when she is playing with something and doesn't want to share with someone else, she just squeals in a very high-pitched fashion. As if I didn't know that already... Yes, thank you. I'm fully aware.
Every time Hannah walks by the pantry door, if it's not shut completely, she shuts it. I think she learned this from her Grampy:) She definitely didn't get it from me.
She loves to play with Jack's Hulk hands. I still need to get a good picture of that because it's simply adorable.
She does not like Santa. If you follow this blog, you probably already know this much is true. But, just in case, here's more proof:
{This face is priceless.}
Poor thing. Maybe we'll have better luck next year. Jack had one especially yucky Santa experience as well, but now he's certainly a fan:)
She runs the opposite way when I ask her to change her diaper, get dressed, put her coat on, etc. She looks back, smiles adorably and giggles, and then runs. How can I get mad at that? I can't. Not at all. She does the same thing when she's stolen one of Jack's toys. It becomes a mad-dash get-away situation.
Hannah absolutely adores her big brother. In the morning, when I get her up, the first thing she says, is, "Jack?!" She giggles when she sees him. She wants to sit where he sits and play with what he's playing with. She follows him around, and it makes me smile. She gives him kisses before bedtime. She lets him chase her around the downstairs and sits with him while he shows her his treasures, but won't let her touch them:) Watching them together is my favorite thing. Ever.
I wish I could stop time - this age is so much fun!
Tonight, she climbed up on my lap, tilted her little head, and said, "I bo boo." Completely on her own. I hadn't said it first. I didn't tell her to say it. Nothing - she just loves me. And then she said it again:)
I love you, too, Hannah Bear. So very much.

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