Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Not So Wordless Wednesday

Here are some pictures to tide you over until I can add my thoughts...let's just say that the last 30 minutes of Jack's night were tricky in the behavior department.  Does it get better at three?  Please tell me it gets better at three!

Edited to include detail:

If I told you that this adorable little boy threw one of the top three tantrums we've ever seen this evening after this photo was taken, would you believe me?

Yeah, I wouldn't either.  Except I was there, and I survived it, along with his Daddy.  After bath time, Jack flat out refused to put on his underpants.  I didn't even know that refusal was an option when you're two, but apparently it is.  I tried my usual "count to 3" routine.  Nothing.  I tried to put them on him myself, which led to a small wrestling match of arms and legs, and I was losing.  We tried counting again, this time with the promise that Jack would not get a story before bedtime if he didn't put his underpants on.  And he still didn't do it.  Finally, (and we're talking like 20 minutes later after much jumping, stomping, and crying) he called down enough for me to finish getting him dressed and cut his fingernails.  The whole time, he was hiccuping and sniffling, and asking, "Story?"  My little heart was breaking.  I snuggled him.  I told him I loved him.  I told him I couldn't read him a story because he didn't listen to Mommy, but that we would read a story the next night if he was a good listener.  With tears in both of our eyes, I tucked him in and left the room.  Then I went to the bathroom and cried.  I hate disciplining.  I think it might be my least favorite thing; I feel so mean. 

On another note: check out the adorable groundhog that Jack made at school! 

And the cute love bug!

I love seeing his artwork hang on the fridge!

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