It's been too long since my last Thankful Thursday post, so here goes...
I'm thankful for 80 degree weather in March.
I'm thankful for afternoons at the park with my little ones and our friends.
{By the way, wouldn't this be a cute picture on their wedding program one day? Just sayin'.}
I'm thankful for Kimmee who constantly works to help me stay organized (but not too organized) at work.
I'm thankful for Jack's teachers for giving his class time to dance each and every afternoon.
I'm thankful for Hannah's teachers who love on her and make her smile and taught her how to clap her hands with glee (she hasn't stopped since)!
I'm thankful that Jack is such a good big brother that he can have an entire conversation with his baby sister while she says not a word:
J: Hannah Bear, how was your day?
H: (nada)
J: Was it good?
H: (nada)
J: Did you play?
H: (nada)
J: What did you play?
H: (nada)
I'm thankful for late-night conversations with my hubby once the babies are in bed. It's nice to finish a sentence uninterrupted every once in awhile.

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