Saturday, December 10, 2011

Just Jack

It's been too long since my last Just Jack post, and as usual, our sweet Baby Jack has been talking up a storm.  We've noticed lately that he seems much more expressive - his sentences are streaming together, with lots of details and sometimes, lots of sassiness.  I wonder where he gets that from?  Here's just a sample of what this adorable 3 1/2 year old has been saying:

This morning Jack was telling Daddy and I about how when Hannah gets a little bit older, she will be able to play with him, and he actually said, "Yeah, when Hannah gets big like me, we will play all day long."  It was so stinkin' cute, and Daddy and I just looked at each other and reveled in his adorableness.


Perhaps you remember our Smurf story.  Well, a couple of weeks ago when we set up the Christmas tree, we had to move the toy corner in our family room from one corner to the other.  The poor Smurfs did not make the move without falling off of the shelf, but I promise you, I tried.  When I set everything up, I attempted to put the Smurfs in "the right order," but clearly I failed because Jack deemed me "the wrong order guyer."  Yep, that's me.


One chilly Saturday, Jack announced that he wanted to go outside to play.  When I told him that it was too cold and that we were going to stay in, he responded with a taste of my own medicine.

     "We can go outside or we can stay inside. didn't make a choice, so I made the choice for you.  We're going outside."  And then he walked off, shrugging his shoulders, making a sad face, and saying, "Sorry."


One of my favorite things is when Jack wakes up and comes to snuggle with me in our bed.  Occasionally he wakes up sad or he can't find the toy he took to bed the night before, and he comes in crying and whining - not a great way to wake up, I assure you.  The other night, Jack took a tiny Spiderman guy with him to bed.  The following morning I was already in the shower when he woke up, but he came into the bathroom with a big smile on his face, exclaiming, "Look, Mama!  I took my time!  I looked in my bed and I found him all by myself!"  He was so proud of absolutely made my day.


Tonight as I was feeding Hannah her bedtime bottle and Jack was playing with his sea life creatures in the bathtub across the hall, I heard our little man call out to his Daddy, "But Daddy, what does an octopus eat?"  I smiled at the adorable thought that our little man gravitates towards all things animal - just like his daddy!

We love him so very much!

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