Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Little Man

In the past few days, Jack's just been overflowing with cuteness...here's just a little taste of what he's been up to.


When we went out with my mom this weekend to run some errands, I told Jack that we were going to go to two stores and then maybe we would go to lunch.  After we picked Grammy up, he was running through the plan with her, but when he got to the lunch part, it went a little bit like this:

"Grammy, we're going to go to two stores, and then...do you want to go to a building with a cooker?"

You know?  What the rest of us refer to as a restaurant?


The other night Jack got to go to the airport with Daddy to drop something off at FedEx, but before they left, I gave Jack a bath and got him completely ready for bed so that when they got back, we could read stories and snuggle.  I guess on the way home Daddy and Jack were talking about what they were going to do when they got home, and Daddy must've said they were going to brush their teeth.  Jack tried to tell Daddy that he'd already brushed his teeth, but Brad wasn't quite sure that was true.  Jack could sense Daddy's disbelief, and so he said, "When we get home I'm going to tell Erika that I did brush my teeth."

As soon as they got home, Brad relayed this story to me - we thought it was hilarious that Jack called me Erika when talking to him because that's what Brad calls me:)


Our dinner conversation the other night:

Jack: When someone at school hits someone else, they have to hold Ms. Sheila's pocket.

Me: Have you ever had to hold Ms. Sheila's pocket?

Jack: No...

Me: (deep sigh of relief)

Jack: ....just Ms. Cici's.

Clearly, I breathed too soon.  At least he's honest!


Tonight before Jack's bedtime, we played Candyland.  I happened to reach Candy Castle first this time, and as soon as I announced myself the winner, Jack started rifling through the stack of unused cards, pulled out what seemed to be specifically what he was looking for, and then announced, "I'm looking for a green so that I can meet you at Candy Castle!"

We're working on being a good sport:)

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